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What is Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes means that the sugar levels in your blood are too high. To understand diabetes, you must first know what happens....

Know your Diabetes ABC’s

Diabetes can harm your blood vessels. It can raise your blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol numbers. If you have diabetes....

What is Asthma?

When you breathe, air goes in and out of your lungs through tubes called airways. Asthma causes changes in your airways that....

Asthma Triggers

Pay attention to things that seem to make your asthma worse. These are called triggers. Avoid them if you can. Here are some common triggers....

What is Heart Disease?

Heart disease often occurs or develops when a fatty substance called plaque builds up on the walls inside the arteries of your heart....

Heart Healthy Eating with Less Salt

Follow these 3 steps to get started on eating heart-healthy....